Training Courses, Instructional Materials
NYS DOH Bureau of Vital Records (BVR) Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS)

The New York State Bureau of Vital Records’ Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS) was developed as a secure web-based system to electronically register deaths. The purpose of EDRS is to:
- streamline the death registration process;
- improve the quality and timeliness of the data collected;
- reduce the time it takes to file death records, and
- improve communication among those responsible for filing.
Compared with the previous paper-based process, EDRS provides faster delivery of death certificates, reduced travel costs for funeral firms, improved disease tracking for public health purposes, and reduction in fraudulent filing of death benefits due to faster vital events tracking. Full compliance in the use of EDRS is mandatory for all hospitals (all departments including Emergency Room and Special Units where deaths may occur), nursing homes, certified hospice providers, primary care physicians, specialty providers (oncologists, cardiologists, surgeons, etc.), medical examiners, coroners, funeral directors, and local registration officials in New York State, excluding New York City.
BVR finalized the development and piloting of the EDRS module in late 2016 and began statewide rollout of EDRS in January of 2017. This rollout required significant outreach and training to a statewide data provider community including funeral directors (3,000), physicians (90,000), medical examiners (60+), and local city, town and county registrars (1,500). Training courses and instructional materials had been developed to support hundreds of role-based training sessions that will be conducted to bring data providers on-line. Instructional materials needed to be revised to accommodate EDRS software enhancements that are expected during the rollout.
The DOH delivered the SFDRS software module by the vendor in 2018 with Statewide rollout to hospitals, funeral firms and local registrars. Prior to commencing rollout, all user documentation, video and instructor-led training, outreach materials, and communication artifacts needed to be developed.
The NYS DOH Bureau of Vital Records partnered with Documentation Strategies in 2017 to deliver a comprehensive set of “project” documentation consisting of role-based user manuals, video-based tutorials for on-demand delivery, newsletters, brochures, and other project artifacts. These materials will be used to support the training of all providers as part of the EDRS and SFDRS modules. Documentation Strategies will coordinate and conduct role-based instructor-led training sessions for all data providers of the EDRS and SFDRS projects.
Since our partnership began in 2017, Documentation Strategies has produced 150+ written deliverables including Release Notes, FAQs, Newsletters, Reference Guides, Brochures, and User Manuals. Additionally, 75+ video tutorials have also been created. Our docstrats trainers have held more than 500+ online training classes and support the Bureau of Vital Records with responding to customer inquiries. docstrats continues to support the Bureau with their documentation, training, and customer support needs.