Naughty or Nice: Which list are you on?
It is that time of the year when managers make up employee Naughty or Nice lists. The employees on the nice list get the best “presents”: the best assignments, most promotions, biggest raises, etc. The employees on the naughty list get the “other” assignments, cost of living wage increases, etc. You get the picture… it’s important for you to recognize that. Even if it’s not written or verbalized in your workplace, you are being judged on how you act. Interestingly, what will put you on the naughty or nice list in the workplace isn’t that different than those things that put you on those lists as a child!

You can determine which list you will be on. Let’s start reviewing some items that can land you on the naughty or nice list below:
Play Nice with Others
You get along with others on your team, and on your client’s team. You accommodate your client’s needs, and you overlook the times when the client gets testy and throws a fit. You share your ideas and resources. You pitch in…everyone likes a team player.
Don’t Break Things
Don’t misuse resources in the workplace—whether relationships, office supplies, or the expense account—you “break” more than the item itself. The trust and respect that has been earned from others can be very difficult –or impossible–to get back.
Take on Responsibility
Taking on responsibility means thinking about what’s truly needed and taking those extra steps. When you do a bit more without being asked and you do it happily, it shows that you value your work and your company.
Don’t Make too Many Mistakes
Everyone drops the ball once or twice…it’s human nature. If you’re doing something extra, it can be easy to try something outside your area of expertise. It may not go exactly the way you like. That’s to be expected. However, if your work is consistently shoddy, you won’t be getting the best projects, be a part of “that team”.
Timely Time Off
Everyone needs to take time off to recharge their batteries. You need this to stay on top of your game and be the most productive. Most of the time people know when they are going to take a vacation or go away for a long weekend. It’s important to ask for your time off ahead of time. This will give your manager time to plan the upcoming workload for his team. Simply put, show your manager some respect.
But let’s be clear on one thing. Don’t become the “yes-man”. According to Merriam Webster, it’s the person who agrees with everything that is said and supports without criticism of every opinion or proposal of his associates or superiors.
You want to be the person who cares about helping your team and your company succeed. That doesn’t mean rubber-stamping every idea that is mentioned in your Zoom meeting…

So, look in the mirror and give yourself an honest assessment. Which list will you be on —Naughty or Nice?
Need help finding people on the nice list? docstrats can help you find your perfect candidate. Learn how we helped a mid-sized technology firm find the necessary resources to fill their gaps during their peak times.
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